University Mission Statements

Monday, January 8, 2007

Mission Statements

Please put your university mission statements below. Use Comments. Here is LSU's:

As the flagship institution of the state, the vision of Louisiana State University is to be a leading doctoral/research university—extensive , challenging undergraduate and graduate students to achieve the highest levels of intellectual and personal development. Designated as both a land-grant and sea-grant institution, the mission of Louisiana State University is the generation, preservation, dissemination, and application of knowledge and cultivation of the arts. In implementing its mission, LSU is committed to:

• offer a broad array of undergraduate degree programs and extensive graduate research opportunities designed to attract and educate highly qualified undergraduate and graduate students;

• employ faculty who are excellent teacher-scholars, nationally competitive in research and creative activities, and who contribute to a world-class knowledge base that is transferable to educational, professional, cultural, and economic enterprises; and

• use its extensive resources to solve economic, environmental, and social challenges.

(Mission Statement approved June 2003)